Quartier copte Caire

The Coptic Quarter in Cairo is one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city and is located in the Fustat area. It includes a large number of churches, museums and tourist places dating back to the Coptic civilization. The Luxor Church, the Church of the Virgin Mary and the Monastery of the Virgin Mary are among the most important landmarks of the Coptic Quarter.

DestinationBali, Indonesia
Duration6 days + 5 nights
Hotel5 stars

From $1,250


The Coptic Quarter is distinguished by its engineering design that reflects the history of ancient, Islamic and Coptic Egypt, where the diversity of the architectural style can be seen in the surrounding houses, churches and alleys.
The Coptic Quarter is one of the most important tourist areas in Cairo, as it enjoys a calm and encouraging atmosphere for religious tourism, where tourists can visit many museums, churches and religious shrines that display Coptic, Pharaonic and Islamic arts and heritage.

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