Temple de Louxor Louxor

Luxor Temple is one of the most famous pharaonic temples in Egypt and the world, and is an important historical site dating back more than 4,000 years. The temple is located in the city of Luxor, north of Luxor Governorate in southern Egypt, and the temple is considered one of the largest pharaonic temples currently in Egypt. Luxor Temple is one of the most famous pharaonic temples in Egypt and in the world, and it is an important historical site dating back more than 4000 years. The temple is located in the city of Luxor, north of Luxor Governorate, in southern Egypt. The temple is considered one of the largest pharaonic temples currently in Egypt.

DestinationBali, Indonesia
Duration6 days + 5 nights
Hotel5 stars

From $1,250


The Luxor Temple is one of the most recent temples built by the famous Egyptian king "Amonhotep III", who was ruler of Egypt during the eighteenth dynasty. The temple was built in the fourteenth century BC, and it is considered one of the most beautiful examples of ancient Egyptian architecture.

The most important characteristic of Luxor Temple:

Luxor Temple is one of an amazing group of different temples and arcades, and it is mainly distinguished by its exquisite details and distinctively shaped columns, which made it a source of admiration for many tourists from all over the world. Today, it is considered a world-famous tourist destination, and tourists come to it permanently to discover the secrets of the ancient Egyptian civilization.

Luxor Temple has many interesting things, but among the most important things that distinguish it:

In the Luxor Temple, there is a row of sphinxes that extend over an area of ​​more than 2 kilometers and lead to the Karnak Temple, dating back to the fourteenth century BC, and this was done during the reign of King Amenhotep III to protect the road to the temple.
Each of them is represented by the head of a human being and the body of a lion, and this symbolizes the power and authority that it possesses
the king. They are carved from pink granite and each is about 25 meters long and about 4 meters high.

In addition to their symbolic function, the statues also had practical purposes. In some places, stone steps were being built as a kind of staircase to go up and down from the Sphinx statues, as it was believed that walking above them would bring good luck.
Today, the Great Sphinx is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Luxor Temple, where visitors can walk the historic path used by kings and pharaohs thousands of years ago. In addition, part of the statues has been restored and displayed in the Luxor Museum.

Muhammad Ali, the ruler of Egypt in the nineteenth century, presented to France an obelisk that was located at the entrance to the Luxor Temple. This obelisk, which remained in existence from the reign of King Ramses II, was excavated and restored by the Egyptians by order of Muhammad Ali. In 1829, Muhammad Ali decided to present the obelisk as a gift to France as a symbol of friendship between the two countries.
The obelisk was transported by sea to France, where it was installed in the Place de la Concorde in Paris in 1836. Today it remains one of the most popular attractions in Paris and is a reminder of the close historical and cultural connection between Egypt and France.

To get to Luxor Temple, you can fly directly or travel by train from cities like Cairo and Alexandria. If you are taking a river cruise on the Nile from south to north, you will reach the temple by boat from Aswan.

The temple is open daily from 6 am to 10 pm. It is recommended to allocate three hours to see it well, but if you do not have enough time to make the visit on your own, it is preferable to do the visit through tourism companies that provide you with a tour guide who has the ability to inform you about the contents of the museum and direct you to the most prominent and famous places and landmarks inside the museum. The temple is lit up at night and the temperature is lower, but you can also visit early in the morning to avoid the scorching heat. Don’t forget to protect yourself from the sun with sunscreen, a hat and a water bottle!

The god Horus is one of the most important deities in Egyptian mythology, and he was considered the god of the sky and hunting, and is represented by a falcon.
One of the most important temples dedicated to the god Horus is located in Edfu, a city located on the west bank of the Nile River. This temple was built in the Ptolemaic period, between the third and second centuries BC, on the remains of a larger temple.
The Temple of Edfu is considered one of the best preserved temples in all of Egypt and is a masterpiece of Egyptian architecture. The temple is 137 meters long and 79 meters wide. The main entrance is decorated with giant statues of Horus, each 23 meters high. Scenes from the life of Horus and the pharaoh who built the temple, Ptolemy III, adorn the temple. The temple also has many rooms and corridors, as well as a room for offerings. The Opet Festival is celebrated annually in Edfu, during which the statue of Horus is carried in procession from his temple to the nearby Luxor Temple. This festival used to last for several days and was among the most important festivals in all of Egypt.

The Temple of Edfu is an ancient Egyptian temple built during the Ptolemaic Dynasty to honor the falcon god Horus in the city of Edfu in Upper Egypt.

The temple is considered one of the best-preserved temples in Egypt because it was buried under the sands of the desert for a long time. The temple is based on a group of courtyards, porticoes, arcades, and destinations, which are decorated with inscriptions and statues. It connects to the temple between two columns, each of which is more than 30 meters long. It is famous for the exquisite design of the inner pillar room, which contains 32 columns, each over 20 meters long, and decorated with inscriptions and hieroglyphs. The temple is distinguished by the small room «Capella of the Canoe»; Which contains a sacred boat of the god Horus that was used in ritual operations. The Temple of Edfu is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Egypt and is one of the most impressive examples of religious architecture in ancient Egypt.

If you want to visit Edfu Temple, you can do so as part of a Nile cruise or take a sightseeing excursion from Luxor or Aswan. It is located 135 km north of the city of Aswan, and it is often visited in conjunction with a visit to the Kom Ombo Temple, and it is often included in a Nile cruise program.
Opening hours vary according to the seasons, but it is usually open from 6 am to 6 pm in the summer and from 6 am to 4 pm in the winter. Night tours are also possible, but it’s best to check hours online before your trip.


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